Empowering Students and Teachers for a Brighter Future

Welcome to TDI — Where Educators are Innovators

A plan for education like you’ve never seen before.

Supporting Education & Innovation

Our mission is to empower and inspire every student to gain knowledge and skills beyond the traditional educational setting. We believe that all decisions should put students first.

We believe in using innovative techniques generated by the passions of our teachers in the classrooms, and have developed a curriculum which allows students to choose their own path for learning. This will allow a system which can adapt and evolve with the ever-changing world to keep all students engaged.

Who We Are

Teacher Driven Innovation (TDI) is a nonprofit founded by current teachers, determined to address the alarming decline in student engagement—a clear sign that education has lost its focus on what’s best for children.

We wish to purposefully make a change in how education is done. No more venting or imagining what could be. It’s time to act. Our schools need bold, innovative solutions to bridge the gap between what we aim to provide and what students actually experience. It’s about rebuilding trust and connection among all stakeholders in education.

The system is flawed—everyone knows it. For too long, we’ve been stuck in the confines of “how things are done.” Well, it needs to be done differently. True innovation requires looking beyond this restrictive framework. There’s no single fix, no magic solution. The challenges are interconnected, and real progress demands tackling multiple issues at once. Daunting? Yes. But necessary. And we’re ready.

Refocusing on What Matters

Everything we do should benefit the children in our schools. Every decision—academic, emotional, social, or physical—must serve their well-being. This is a premise everyone, from teachers to school board presidents, agrees on. Moving forward, let’s evaluate every action and decision through this lens: it’s always about the children.

Passionate Teachers

Let’s talk about teachers. You can’t say teachers don’t care or aren’t willing to work hard. After 30 years in the system and working with hundreds of colleagues, only a few were in it for selfish reasons. Teaching is too difficult, and the time off isn’t worth it.

Most teachers are here for the kids. We all entered the profession to make a real difference, but over time, that dream fades into a hope—to reach most students, then just half, and eventually, maybe a few. It’s demoralizing. Look at how we are losing our fellow educators to other professions. If it’s really about the time off, why leave?

Teachers need to believe their work makes an impact. If they do, they’ll give everything. Real, purposeful innovation can re-energize them. Give teachers the power to make meaningful decisions and be change-makers, not just policy followers.

Breaking the Cycle

The system is broken, and teachers are in the middle of it. We understand what each student
needs and how to connect with them, but those making decisions often seem out of touch with
today’s classroom realities. Administrators frequently push new teaching methods, only for them
to be replaced before they can make an impact. This cycle of quick fixes isn’t working.

Even the leaders of the system know it’s broken, throwing educational Band-Aids at us in hopes something sticks. To truly improve, we need to re-engage passionate teachers and give them
the freedom to lead. The goal remains the same: to help students grow into strong thinkers and active members of society. The method is what needs to change—no more Band-Aids, just
effective teaching.

We also need to redesign schools to focus on guiding students toward real-world opportunities, answering the age-old question, “Why am I learning this?” Let’s stop chasing students and instead, move ahead of them, so they can race toward the education they need.

Our Solution

So, how do we fix this? The answer is yes, we can. We’ve made a huge leap forward
with the TDI STEM Academy, offering real solutions to many of education’s challenges.
It’s teacher-driven, reconnects students, teachers, and administration, and is focused
entirely on student success.

What makes our approach groundbreaking? It’s not about a single new idea, but about implementing proven best practices all at once, tailored to our students' needs. No more quick fixes or Band-Aids—just a full reset to what works.

We’re not against innovation. In fact, the "I" in TDI stands for Innovation. We understand the importance of evolving with the times. The key is to listen to students' needs, share ideas with changemakers, and let them drive the meaningful changes that will truly make a difference.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.